2018-05-02 1470人浏览
2018TIMES:TOP1 2018 QS:TOP5
剑桥大学的传媒专业,开设在【Department of Sociology】社会学系 方向下,一共有四个专业方向:
Sociology of Marginalisation and Exclusion边缘化和相斥的社会学
Sociology of Culture and Media文化与和媒体社会学
Political and Economic Sociology政治和经济社会学
Sociology of Reproduction再生的社会学
The course offers teaching on the sociology of media and culture, including relevant work in social, cultural and media theory, and teaching on research methods. Students work towards a written dissertation supported by supervisions and a dissertation workshop. 该课程提供有关媒体和文化社会学的教学,包括社会,文化和媒体理论方面的相关工作,以及研究方法的教学。学生们努力完成一篇由监督和论文研讨会支持的论文。
One to one supervision一对一的督导
Students will typically receive one supervision on each of the topics they choose to study for the field review essay; these supervisions may be in groups and will be part of the teaching provided in Lent term. In addition, students will typically receive approximately eight hours of supervision on their dissertation, spread across the three terms.
Seminars & classes研讨会和课程
Core course: 16 hours (eight two-hour sessions) in Michaelmas term.
Research methods: core course: eight hours in Michaelmas terms plus any specialist research methods courses and modules selected by students (students can choose from a wide range of additional courses on research methods, both qualitative and quantitative). In Lent term students will have the opportunity to discuss with a supervisor the topics they have chosen to study for the field review essay (see ""Supervision"" above).
2018年已经过去了几个月了,如果您准备在2018年去英国留学那么您一定要好好准备,英国留学的相关的考试培训班也于近日开课了,有兴趣的同学可以进行咨询报名哦! 想要了解英国留学移民政策,英国留学政策,英国留学生移民条件等信息的学生和家长,可以点击首页资讯直接在线进行一对一咨询哦!