2018-03-18 1379人浏览
First term: compulsory courses必修课
Algorithms and Computation 算法和计算
Aimed at students with no or limited experience in programming and algorithms, and provides an introduction to programming in Java, data structures and the mathematics underlying the theory of algorithms.
Advanced Algorithms (H) 高级算法
For students with sufficient background in computing and programming and will cover more advanced topics such as introduction to NP-completeness, approximation algorithms, randomised algorithms, streaming algorithms and numerical algorithms.
Dissertation in Mathematics 数学论文
An individual, substantial project serving as an introduction to mathematical research methods. You will investigate and study an area of mathematical research or application of advanced mathematical techniques, and then write a report on their findings.
Second term: optional courses选修课
Game Theory I (H)
Discrete Mathematics and Graph Theory (H)
Continuous-Time Optimisation (H)
Information, Communication and Cryptograph
Probability and Measure (H)
Functional Analysis and its Applications (H)
Games of Incomplete Information (H)
Stochastic Analysis (H)
Preferences, Optimal Portfolio Choice, and Equilibrium (H)
Search Games (H) (not available 2017/18)
Quantifying Risk and Modelling Alternative Markets (H)
Mathematical Optimisation (H)
Combinatorial Optimisation (H)
Algorithmic Techniques for Data Mining (H)
Financial Risk Analysis (H)
Corporate Finance and Asset Markets
Derivatives (H)
Quantitative Methods for Finance and Risk Analysis (H)
Econometric Analysis
Advanced Microeconomics
Auctions and Game Theory (H)
Stochastic Processes (H)
Non-Linear Dynamics and the Analysis of Real Time Series (H)
Time Series (H)
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