2018-02-11 1236人浏览
Communications Networks and Software MSc
1 year
A good honours degree in electronic engineering, mathematics, computing or physical sciences. Our minimum entry level is a 2.2 from a good UK university, or overseas equivalent. Relevant industrial experience will also be considered.
Electronic Engineering (Two-Year Euromasters) MSc
2 year
A good honours degree in mathematics, computing, physical sciences or engineering disciplines is required. Our minimum entry level is a 2.2 from a good UK university or overseas equivalent. Relevant industrial experience will also be considered
Signal Processing and Machine Intelligence MSc
1 year
An honours degree in electronic engineering, mathematics, computing or physical sciences. Our minimum entry level is a 2.2 from a good UK university, or overseas equivalent. Relevant industrial experience will also be considered.
Mobile and Satellite Communications MSc
1 year
A good honours degree in electronic engineering, mathematics, computing or physical sciences. Our minimum entry level is a 2.2 from a good UK university, or overseas equivalent. Relevant industrial experience will also be considered.
Mobile Communications Systems MSc
1 year
A good honours degree in electronic engineering, mathematics, computing or physical sciences. Our minimum entry level is a 2.2 from a good UK university, or overseas equivalent. Relevant industrial experience will also be considered.
Satellite Communications Engineering MSc
1 year
An honours degree in electronic engineering, mathematics, computing or physical sciences. Our minimum entry level is a 2.2 from a good UK university, or overseas equivalent. Relevant industrial experience will also be considered.
Mobile Media Communications MSc
1 year
An honours degree in electronic engineering, mathematics, computing or physical sciences. Our minimum entry level is a 2.2 from a good UK university, or overseas equivalent. Relevant industrial experience will also be considered.
RF and Microwave Systems Engineering MSc
1 year
An honours degree in electronic engineering, mathematics, computing or physical sciences. Our minimum entry level is a 2.2 from a good UK university, or overseas equivalent. Relevant industrial experience will also be considered.
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