2018-01-26 1008人浏览
LSE-MSc Management and Human Resources(CIPD认证)管理和人力资源硕士
申请参考标准:中国大学排名前TOP30, 85分以上;30以后,90分以上
需提供GMAT 720,GRE 1350左右成绩
7.0 in IELTS (at least 5.5 in each section) or 107 ine internet-based TOEFL test (at least 17 in listening and writing, 18 in reading and 20 in speaking)
All graduates of non-UK institutions must submit a GRE or GMAT
Intake/applications in 2010: 41/712
MA Industrial Relations and Managing Human Resources(CIPD认证)行业关系和管理人事硕士
MA International Employment Relations国际劳务管理硕士
申请参考标准: 211/ 非211: GPA 85%
We do not require a GMAT or GRE score for this course.
IELTS 7.0 with maximum of two components at 6.0+
MSc Human Resource Management (新开专业.CIPD在申请中)人力资源管理硕士
申请参考标准:211: GPA:80%.非211:GPA;85%.不必需工作经验
IELTS 6.5 (with no score lower than 6.0 in each section)
TOEFL-iBT: Total 92 (with no score lower than 20 in each section)
MSc Management of Training & Development(CIPD认证)培训与开发管理硕士
申请参考标准:211: GPA:80%.非211:GPA;85%.最好提供半年以上工作经验.
IELTS 6.5 (with no score lower than 6.0 in each section)
TOEFL-iBT: Total 92 (with no score lower than 20 in each section)
MSc Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations(CIPD认证)人力资源管理与行业关系硕士
IELTS:7.0 with speaking and writing 6.5 and no other element below 6.0(申请时提交)
MSc Human Resource Management and Comparative Industrial Relations(CIPD认证)人力资源管理和相对行业管理硕士
IELTS:7.0 with speaking and writing 6.5 and no other element below 6.0(申请时提交)
2018年快要来临了,如果您准备在2018年去英国留学那么您一定要好好准备,英国留学的相关的考试培训班也于近日开课了,有兴趣的同学可以进行咨询报名哦! 想要了解英国留学中介机构,英国留学读研要求,英国留学会计专业等信息的学生和家长,可以点击首页资讯直接在线进行一对一咨询哦!