2017-11-11 911人浏览
Management (Supply Chain Logistics) MSc (管理,供应链管理)
录取要求: English language test score of 7.0 or above in IELTS (with no element below 6.0), or an equivalent qualification.学习成绩需要达到85%。
Strategy (战略)
Business Economics and Accounting (商务经济与会计)
Organisational Behaviour (组织行为学)
Operations and Supply Chain Management(运营和供应链管理)
Global Supply Chain Leadership (全球供应链领导)
Green Supply Chain and Logistics Systems(绿色供应链和物流管理)
EITHER Research Methods and Dissertation (Management - General) (管理学的一般研究方法和论文)
OR Research Methods and Dissertation (International) (Management - General) (国际管理的一般研究方法和论文)
Credit Value Strategy Simulation and System Thinking (信贷价值策略仿真和系统思考)
Competitive Strategies and Organisational Fitness (竞争战略和组织适当性)
Decision Making and Business Modelling (决策制定和商务建模)
East Asian Business and Management (东亚商务与管理)
Employee Reward Strategy B(员工奖励开发)
Ethical Leadership (道德领导)
Financial Management (金融管理)
Global Business (全球商务)
Global Marketing (全球市场营销)
Innovation and Technology Management (创新与技术管理)
International Study Tour (国际研究之旅)
Project Management (项目管理)
A credit-bearing language module such as those offered by the University’s Centre for Foreign Language Study
该专业被Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport 认证。
开通网申时间:1 October
截止日期:Applications from individuals resident in Mainland China must be received by 31 January.
申请费:£60 application fee
曼彻斯特大学:世界排名 29;英国排名34
MSc Operations, Project and Supply Chain Management (运营、项目和供应链管理)
录取要求:We normally look for a UK bachelor degree with first or upper second class honours or the overseas equivalent in any discipline.(需要2等1学位或者1等学位,任何专业都可以申请) When assessing your academic record we take into account; your grade average, position in class, references, and the standing of the institution where you studied your qualification.(在审理过程中会考虑平均分,班级排名,推荐信,以及你所在学校的排名等因素)
雅思要求:7.0 overall with speaking and writing 6.5 and no other element below 6.0
Global Operations Management(全球运营管理)
Strategic Supply Chain Management(战略供应链管理)
Research Methods(研究方法)
Managing Projects(项目管理)
Risk, Performance and Decision Analysis(风险、性能和决策分析)
Simulation & Risk Analysis(刺激与风险分析)
Business Improvement Tools Techniques and Systems(商业改善工具技术和系统)
Global Supply Chain Management: Theories and Practice(全球供应链管理:理论与实践)
Megaproject Leadership and Strategy(超级项目领导和战略)
Commercial Management of Projects and Programmes(商业管理的项目和计划)
Games Businesses Play(玩游戏企业)
Operational Excellence: The Toyota Production System(卓越运营:丰田生产系统)
Supply Chain Logistics Management(供应链物流管理)
Modelling Operations Processes(建模运营流程)
Sustainable Supply Chain Management(可持续供应链管理)
Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc(物流与供应链管理)英国物流专业中的战斗机
We welcome applications from talented candidates of all backgrounds and each application is considered on its individual merit. Usually candidates must hold either a first or a second class UK honours degree in a relevant discipline; or the international equivalent of these UK qualifications.(要求2等1学位或者1等学位以上)
雅思要求: 6.5 overall and 6.5 in the writing component
Supply Chain Strategy and Sustainability(供应链战略和可持续性)
Principles of Strategic Procurement(战略采购的原则)
Inventory and Operations Management(库存和运营管理)
Accounting and Finance for Supply Chain Management(供应链管理会计和金融)
Analytical Techniques for Supply Chain Management(供应链管理技术分析)
Freight Transport(货物运输)
Information Systems and e Business(信息系统与电子商务)
Physical Network Design(物理网络设计)
Project Management Introduction(项目管理简介)
Logistics Outsourcing(物流外包)
Performance Measurement in the Supply Chain(供应链的绩效评价问题)
Business Process Outsourcing(业务流程外包)
Designing and Managing Resilient Supply Chains(有弹性的供应链设计和管理)
Retail Logistics(零售物流)
Six Sigma(六西格玛)
Sales and Operations Planning(销售和运营计划)
Humanitarian Logistics(人性物流)
Social Network Analysis in a Supply Chain Context(供应链管理下的社会网络分析)
Planning and Resourcing for Road Freight Transport(道路货物运输计划和资源分配)